Dr Ali Aminazad

MD, FRACP, FCCP, MClinResMeth 
Respiratory and Sleep Physician 
Adjunct Lecturer Monash University

Dr. Ali Aminazad, MD, FRACP, FCCP, MClinResMeth, is a respiratory and sleep specialist and consultant physician. As a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP) and a Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians (FCCP), he exemplifies excellence in patient care and medical leadership.

With a deep commitment to advancing respiratory medicine, Dr. Aminazad is actively involved in various professional societies including the American Thoracic Society (ATS), The Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ), and the Australasian Sleep Association (ASA). His contributions extend beyond clinical practice as he serves as a Teaching Associate at Monash University, nurturing the next generation of medical professionals.

Dr. Aminazad’s journey in medicine is marked by numerous accolades, including recognition as the Most Outstanding Registrar for Intern and HMO teaching during his basic physician training at Austin Health in 2008. He further honed his skills through advanced training in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Monash Medical Centre before specialising in Respiratory Medicine in 2011.

His passion for enhancing patient care led him to establish the pleural service at Eastern Health in 2011, and continuing to advance the management of pleural diseases. Dr. Aminazad’s expertise spans various areas including thoracic ultrasound, respiratory physiology, and athlete assessment, where he leads the cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) program at Eastern Health.

Dr. Aminazad played a pivotal role in setting up pulmonary hypertension services and advancing sleep disorder management at Eastern Health. His dedication to innovation and patient-centred care culminated in the establishment of the Respiratory Sleep Disorder Centre (RSDC) in 2016, providing expedited diagnostic and clinical evaluation for patients in need.

In addition to his clinical endeavors, Dr. Aminazad is proficient in procedural respiratory medicine, performing bronchoscopies and ultrasound-guided procedures for pleural diseases with precision. His commitment to comprehensive patient care is underscored by his involvement in lung cancer screening and management, ensuring timely access to advanced diagnostic modalities such as Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) and CT guided biopsies.

With admitting privileges at institutions including Epworth Richmond, and Eastern Hospitals, and Knox Private Hospital, Dr. Aminazad offers compassionate and expert inpatient care.