Patients Information

Common Sleep Problems


Insomnia is when it is hard to get to sleep or stay asleep. It can be due to discomfort from an illness, it can be feeling upset or perhaps sad or stressed. In these cases, what needs to be done is to get rid of the cause. But in other cases, there is no obvious cause. Here it can help to adopt good sleep habits. If this is not enough, there are more complex treatments. One of these is known as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). Speak to your GP or sleep specialist about this.


What is it?

Patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) have repeated episodes of partial or complete obstruction of the throat (upper airway) during sleep. A narrow floppy throat is also more likely to vibrate during sleep, which causes snoring. If partial or complete obstructions occur breathing is reduced or stops for a short time – from 10 seconds up to a minute or more – and blood oxygen levels fall as a result. A brief interruption to sleep (an arousal) that lasts for as little as 3 seconds then occurs, allowing breathing to start again but sleep is disrupted as a result. These episodes of obstruction may happen many times – even hundreds of times – overnight. Some people know that their breathing is not normal at night, but may be unaware that this is a medical problem that is causing them harm.

Sleep Hygiene

Go to bed and get up at the same time each day

Setting your internal body clock can help build a strong sleep wake cycle. Going to bed and getting up at similar times is good. This goes for both weekdays and weekends.

Anxiety And Sleep

• Do not try too hard to sleep
• Let sleep come to you when the timing is right
• Keep a regular daily routine, regular times for eating, sleeping and doing other things
• Learn some methods to relax
• Part of the reason why you don’t sleep may be that you worry about sleep too much
• Do not lie in bed awake for a long time. If after 20 minutes, you are still awake, get up and go and sit in a quiet, dark room somewhere, not doing anything, until you feel sleepy again
• Seeping tablets are not as helpful as you might think


Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) occurs when breathing is reduced or stopped for a few seconds or a few minutes and as a result the books oxygen level falls. People with OSA may not be aware that this is a medical problem that is causing them harm.

Sleep Studies

What is a sleep study?

A sleep study is a test that is performed to find out how well you sleep and will be useful in evaluating many sleep problems.

Healthy Sleep In Adults

(Ref: Australian Sleep Association)

Sleep is a reversible state of decreased responsiveness and activity defined by changes in a person’s brain wave activity. Sleep is actually a very active process that involves a number of physiologic changes in organs of the body. Research has shown that sleep is needed for many important functions, including formation of memories, release of important hormones such as those for growth and appetite, and muscle repair, but the main purpose of sleep is currently unknown.

Sleep Position Modification

Snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) can be worsened when sleeping supine (on your back).

RSDC Home-Based Sleep Study

Thank you for choosing to perform a home-based sleep study with our clinic. Our aim is to make your night’s sleep as normal and comfortable as possible. Our highly experienced staff will help you with all facets of this study.

Lung Function Test

Patient information for lung function testing

Your doctor may refer you for a lung function test to assess how well your lungs are working or to investigate respiratory symptoms, such as chronic cough or shortness of breath. The following list describes the respiratory function tests that are commonly performed in our laboratory. Prior to attending your appointment, please check with us to see what if you need to do anything to prepare for your test.


Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test

Cardiopulmonary exercise testing is performed to evaluate your capacity to exercise. It will assess how well your lungs, heart and muscles tolerate exercise and may assist in finding a cause for unexplained shortness of breath.


What is a bronchoscopy?

A bronchoscopy is a diagnostic procedure that is done so that your respiratory specialist can look in your airways. A thin flexible tube with a camera will be inserted through your month or nose and will passed down through your windpipe (trachea) and then your airways.

Patient Medication Withholding Chart

(Ref: Aridol Mannitol)

The following may decrease bronchial hyperresponsiveness and should be withheld prior to taking an Aridol mannitol test.

Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Aponea

What causes Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Aponea?

Asthma Today

(Ref: American Thoracic Society)

There is currently no cure for asthma, but it can be controlled with medicine and lifestyle changes. You should work with your health care provider to develop a personalized asthma management plan. Tell your health care provider about your symptoms and how they affect your life, as well as what triggers your asthma. Triggers are those things that lead to asthma symptoms and make your asthma worse.

Asthma Phenotypes

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

(Ref: American Thoracic Society)

If you have shortness of breath because of lung problems, you may have asked yourself:

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)

(Ref: American College of Chest Physicians)

Learn About Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare and serious disease that happens when there is high blood pressure in the lungs. PAH is caused when the small blood vessels in your lungs become narrowed and scarred. PAH is one of five types of pulmonary hypertension (PH). PAH can be hard to diagnose and treat unless you work closely with your doctor and medical team.

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)

(Ref: American Thoracic Society)

What Is Pulmonary Hypertension?

To understand pulmonary hypertension (PH) it helps to understand how blood !ows throughout your body. While the heart is one organ, it works like two pumps that are connected to one another. There is a left side and a right side of the heart, each with two different jobs.

CPAP / Equipment Cleaning Guide


Daily: Wash mask cushion with warm soapy water or use unscented wipe
Weekly: Dismantle into parts. Wash in warm soapy water, rinse and air dry
2-6 Months: Inspect for damage. eg tears

CPAP Troubleshooting Guide

Dry Mouth / Mouth Breathing


Ensure no mask leak
Use humidifier / Increase humidifier setting
Trial chin strap or full face mask due to mouth breathing via CPAP therapist


What Is Bronchoscopy?


Bronchoscopy is an examination of your windpipe and air passages by means of a flexible telescope. Like
an endoscopy to look at the stomach, bronchoscopy is a test that your doctor will suggest when there is a
need to have a look in the air passages, or take samples from the lung when testing for certain diseases.
Unlike x-rays which take “photographs” of the lung, bronchoscopy lets the doctor see inside the
windpipes, an area not clearly shown on x-rays. Bronchoscopy can also help in making the diagnosis and
in planning the right treatment for people with lung disease.