IQOS: Weighing the Risks and Benefits

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Given the current evidence and perspectives from various specialists, here are some recommendations regarding the use of IQOS:

For Non-Smokers and Youth

Avoid Initiation:

If you do not currently use tobacco or nicotine products, do not start using IQOS. The potential health risks and likelihood of developing nicotine addiction outweigh any perceived benefits.

Understand Risks:

Be aware that IQOS still delivers nicotine and other harmful substances. It is not a safe alternative, especially for young people whose brains are still developing.

For Policy Makers and Regulators

Implement Strict Regulations:

Enforce strict regulations on the marketing, sale, and use of IQOS to prevent youth uptake and ensure that health claims are accurate and not misleading.

Monitor and Research:

Continuously monitor the health impacts and usage patterns of IQOS. Support long-term research to better understand its effects and inform policy decisions.

For Health Professionals

Educate Patients:

Provide balanced information to patients about the risks of IQOS compared to traditional cigarettes. Encourage evidence-based smoking cessation methods.

Support Cessation:

Offer resources and support for smoking cessation.

General Recommendations

Prioritize Quitting:

The best health outcomes are achieved by quitting all tobacco and nicotine products.

Stay Informed:

Keep up to date with the latest research and guidelines regarding IQOS and other nicotine products to make informed decisions about their use.

In summary, IQOS, is not without risks. Non-smokers, particularly youth, should avoid starting any nicotine product. Regulatory measures and ongoing research are crucial to ensuring the public is adequately informed and protected.

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